Part 1 – Success is Predictable

Success is not the privilege of a lucky few, but rather the predictable outcome of a certain mindset supported by consistent appropriate behaviour. Success can be yours; you just need to learn how to imitate the thinking and behaviour of successful people. If you don’t believe this, nothing else matters.

Successful people are not a different breed. Generally we are all born with the physical and mental abilities to be equally successful. What happens thereafter is what makes the difference. If you grew up with poor role models and few opportunities, know this; whether you are going to remain a victim of your circumstances or whether you will become victorious over life will only be determined by yourself.

Poor people always place blame elsewhere, but themselves. Successful people always take ownership for who they are and what they become.

Decide now to take responsibility for your future success, for if you don’t, no one else will. Whether you believe that you can be successful or whether you believe that you can’t, either way you are right. For it is your belief about your ability, and your convictions about your possibilities that determine the result you are getting. If you believe your current situation has been caused by other people or circumstances beyond your control, you will typically spend the rest of your life being such a victim. If you believe it to be the result of your own doing, the net result of all the choices you have made, and the consequence of the kind of choices you make, then you can start to work on learning to make better choices destined to produce success.

Two critical concepts you must understand at the outset of this journey are these:

  1. Your current life is the result of the way you use to life up to now. You have created this life by the choices you have made. In order to have a different life you must learn to make success producing choices.
  2. You can also be a success. You have what it takes to be successful. And what you don’t have you can learn and practice. Get used to being accountable and take responsibility for your life.

Successful people think and behave differently to ordinary people. In order to achieve similar results you simply have to learn how they think and practice to behave like they do. The route to success is not necessarily easy, but it can be simple.

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2 Responses to Part 1 – Success is Predictable

  1. badmash says:

    I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?

    • gerrit says:


      Thank you for your comment. I am posting session 7 in this current series today. Please revisit in order to view the full series up to date.

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