“It is his failure to act that will keep a man poor long before it will be his actions that fail that will cause him to remain poor. Action is a prerequisite for success. Inaction on the other hand fuel failure. Be therefore a man of action” – Gerrit van der Merwe
Someone once said that there are three kinds of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happening, and then there are those who forever wonder what happened.
How often do we meet people who will tell you of all their plans and about what they want to do in the future? Looking back over their lives however, it is apparent that none of these things ever materialize.
Far too many people are dreaming about a time called “one day”. They have great dreams and aspirations for their future, but it forever remains something they will do “one day”. In the mean time they merely go through the motions of everyday life turning the calendar over month after month and ultimately year after year. “As you live your days, so of cause you ultimately live your life.”
Success is not derived from mere wanting, but rather from the action you take towards achieving the goals you set out for yourself. Failure to act upon your personal goals is depriving you of your desired future. This behaviour is so commonplace that we fail to recognise it in our busy schedules. We typically fill our days with trivia consisting of other people’s demands or requirements. It is not so much a case of bad time management or even poor goal setting that deprives us from realizing our goals, but a deeply ingrained behavioural pattern of inaction. This inability or failure to act upon our dreams is considered by some physiologists as a maladaptive or unsupportive habit. Indecision and inaction are both attributes of non-performers. It indirectly absolves you from the responsibility to make your dreams come true. Even dodging this responsibility in such a manner, ironically enough is a further attribute of non-performers.
Rijuta Tooker said: “Being a passive participant allows you to watch your life as a movie. By being an active participant allows you to star in the leading role.” In order for you to see your dreams come true, you will have to take the lead and make the lead roll a reality.
In the long run, your inability to achieve your personal goals and aspirations eventually results in some or all of the following behavioural disorders:
- A low self-esteem and a loss of confidence. This further enhances low performance levels.
- An increase in obstinacy where it relates to the achievement of personal goals.
- Frustration with self and life in general.
- Degrading of relationships with family, friends and others.
The more time you spend being stuck in this lifestyle, the more entrenched you become in it. This is generally referred to as your comfort zone. The sooner you realize that sustaining such a lifestyle is a choice, the sooner you will manage to take ownership for your future and take it upon yourself to change your lifestyle for the better.
So, how do you break out of this state of inaction? In previous sessions in this series, we addressed the basic elements required for success. It essentially comes down to the following:
- Realise that success is a habit, as is failure.
- Realise that your attitude towards your life and what you are prepare to do about it will make a world of difference.
- Decide what it is that you want out of this life. Have a clear vision for your life.
- Write down your goals using SMART goal principles.
- Have an action plan for achieving each goal.
- Focus your efforts on the most prominent goals you need to achieve.
- GET INTO ACTION. Without action, your vision will remain fiction.
Having dreams is what gives us hope. Having good intention of reaching out towards achieving those dreams is honourable. But, in the final scenario, nothing happens until you take action. This is a pivotal divide between achievers and non-achievers. More than anything else, winners are action-oriented people. Therefore, in order for you to be successful, you will have to act the way winners do. Be decisive in your decisions, and above all, BE ACTION ORIENTED.
Plan your life, live your plan. Now, go do life!